David Berg's Letters - Alphabetical
"40 Days!"--And Nineveh Shall Be Destroyed! (Jonah 3:4) - A prediction of the end of America 7 Ways To Know God's Will
The All Things Tree All things change, but Jesus - never! All you need is love!

The importance of loving God and others.

The Amerikan Way

why America needs to fight wars

Another Holy Ghost Story! Are you are Good Sport?

The ultimate manifestation of worship of man's body, mind and spirit is war!

Are You a Sight-Seer? Or a Seer Sighter!

Man's greatest pride is in his buildings

The Asylum
Be So Happy! The Beast of Hell! - Revelation 13

The Monster and the Kingdom of Hell on Earth!

Beauty for Ashes The Benefits of backsliding Bible Study - Isaiah chapter 2 and 4 Breakdown

reality of the State of Israel

Brother Sun, Sister Moon

by Franco Zeffirelli

Burn free But if Not ...!

What to Do When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayers!

The Call of David -

How God struck David's "key" and awoke him from the System's slumber to lead his children of the End-Time

A Child's Story of Blobs

The dangers of living in big cities

Choice - God's likes His children to make their own choices within His will! The Christmas Monster! Christmas 1968

The Lightclub young people's group Christmas 1968 -- Part 2 Christmas 1968 -- Part 3 "The Comet Comes!"--Chaos Reigns! Coming Crash & Great Confusion "Coming Division" Computer Chip Dream The Curse of Petroleum Oil!


How God chose his End-Time Shepherd

Death to the cities!

Why big cities are dangerous places to live in.

Death or Dawn?

Jesus suffered to save us from spiritual death!

Deb Davis Book

the TRUE inside story - The truth about the lies told about the Children of God

Deb Davis Book - - Part 2 Deb Davis Book - - Part 3 Our Declaration of Revolution

from the Church Building System

The Deluge

A Warning Message

The Devil Hates Sex!

But God Loves It!

Diamonds Of Dust

Be God's Light Show! What God can teach from a little beam of light!

ass="linkText">Did God make a Mistake? Don Quixote - The Man of La Mancha Dropouts

How God keeps His church pure


Biblical characters who dropped out of the establishment to follow the Lord

The Drugstore

A dream from God showing the contrast between the Churchy System and God's true people. Dumps

Are you depressed and in the dumps? Try some of this medicine!

The Easter Story! The Emergency The End-Time Whispering Vision - Part I The End-Time Whispering Vision - Part II Eritrea! A Dead Horse? Exorcism

ass="linkText">casting out Satan, demons, devils, unclean spirits, anything bad.

Expensive Bargains!

Bargain Counter Religion!


How to Hear from God!

Feet of Faith! The Final Fall of the World's Systems! Flatlanders

explanation of the spiritual realm using a two dimensional analogy

Flesh or Spirit?

The most raging religious controversy of all time!

The Flood

Ultra Right wing vigilante forces take over during a state of emergency!

Food or Poison?

The evils of refined white sugar and products that contain it.

Forced Christianity

The Roman Emperor's great mistake! Why Christianity was infiltrated by paganism!

Fret not

What to do when facing religous persecution by anti-Christs

From Whence Come Wars?

Because of pride, lust, greed, trade advantage or money or for territory.

Giving to God!

Do Christians need to tithe?

Glamour or Glory?

How to have real charisma in all you do!

God's Explosions

Everyone that God has used throughout the history has been anointed of God

God's Only Law is Love!

- What the Bible says about true free love!

God's Lessons!

Suffering with a Meaning!

The Green Door

A dream of a polished hell

The Green Paper Pig

A revelation of the future of the US Dollar!

The Hamburger Boat

A Dream of America?

Happy Birthday, Jesus

! How do you celebrate Christmas?

Heavenly homes!

What life will be like after Jesus Christ takes over the world!

Hell's End

Every Age Has an End

The Holocaust

An iconoclast loves to smash idols!

Israel Invaded!
Jesus People? Or Revolution!

Christianity in action vs. compromised religion.

The Key of David

How God struck David's "key" and awoke him from the System's slumber to lead his children of the End-Time

The Land of Not Too Much!

The ultimate answer to the world's problems of lack!

Let the Dead bury the Dead

End of the Church System

Life After Death!

What happens when you die?

Look of Love!

Loving looks have the loving answer to the need of every hungry heart!

Lost Horizon Found!


Love Doves

God's space - the Inspirations of His Creations!

Is Love against the Law? Love Never Fails

how to discipline your child in love


We need God just like the earth and moon need the sun!

The Magic Green Shirt

A 1977 dream of Ricky Rodriguez and Angela Smith

Mansions in Heaven! Matthew 24

Exposing Scofield's false teaching of pre-tribulation Rapture

The Millennium!

- God's children will rule and reign over the survivors of the Battle of Armageddon for 1000 years.

The Millennium! Part 2 Millions of miles of miracles

The story of David Berg's life and ministry

Millions of miles of miracles - Part 2

David's experience as a bus driver and school teacher.

Millions of miles of miracles - Part 3

training under Fred Jordan and the Soul Clinic

Millions of miles of miracles - Part 4

training under Fred Jordan and the Soul Clinic

The Missile War

in the Mediterranean between Russia and American 6th Fleet

More on Faith

the hupostasis - the title deed

Mountain Men

A spiritual parallel comparing mountain climbing to pioneering new areas or facing new challenges of life


A warning of God's judgements to fall on California

Musical Key!

The effects of music on one's spirit and body

The Name of Jesus!

Importance of praying in the Name of Jesus Christ

Naming the baby

why Eve was created after Adam. The majesty of choice - God is interested in our choices.

There are no Neutrals!

You are either a martyr or a traitor!

Old Bottles!

Keep the Vision by keeping your connection with God!

The Old Church - New Church (part 1) The Old Church - New Church (part 2) One Man -- One Vote

The truth about the United Nations. Facts about the Antichrist


Why the true followers of Jesus Christ are persecuted.

The Philadelphian Prophecy in Revelation 3

about the Church of Love given to David Berg by 3 different prophets of God.

The Playground

A frightening dream about the end of America and the subtle horrors of the coming new regime - also known as the New World Order.

Psalm 68

Encouragement just before the world wide ministry began.

Psychic sees the Future!

- A New World Is Born! -Prophecies of the End at the Birth of a New Nation!

The Rape of England!

A warning vision David had in 1973 about the negative consequences of Britain joining the European Union

Rasputin - Hero? - Or Heel?

Every great religious leader suffered imprisonment and death often at the hands of the very people he was trying to save

The Real War Goes On

The Truth about the Arab-Israeli War!

The Real War Goes On - Part 2 Reformation or Revolution?

It's impossible to reform the old, as Jesus said!

Registration?--Or Scatteration! "The Revolutionary Rules" Rich Man, Poor Man

Who's the Beggar Man or Thief? (Part 1)

Rich Man, Poor Man

Who's the Beggar Man or Thief? Part 2

"Roll ye away the stone!"

The Lord wants us to work at finding His Will!

The Sacrificial Lampton

(or Lambton) on the Altar of Watergate

Salvation in the Spirit World!

Can You Still Get Saved After You Die?

Not a Sermon, but an Example Satan--King of Empires!

An amazing description of Satan in the 28th chapter of Ezekiel - Part 1

Satan--King of Empires!

An amazing description of Satan in the 28th chapter of Ezekiel - Part 2

The Scofield Bible & "There's the Enemy" Story

Scofield's false teaching of making a difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven

Sex Works

meaning it does the job, is effective!

The Shepherd's Crook

chasing away the Devil

Sin and Suffering

Why does God allow it?

Special Police Powers

A prophetic dream of the US President getting support from Christian fundamentalists to slowly taking away civil rights from individuals.

Spritual Pests and Problems

taking Authority Over Evil Spirits

Spiritual Communications

How to communicate with God through the power of the Holy Spirit

Squeeze! -- Don't Jerk!

The folly of hurry and benefits of being slow

Students Stand Up!

Confront the Devil's lies in the classroom!


The True Story Of "Moses" and the "Children of God", original Founders and Leaders of the Jesus Revolution

Survival -Part 2
The Talisman

!Animism Druidism, Transcendental meditation, Yoga, Hare Krishna, Roman Catholic images that cry and pictures that bleed

There Are Absolutes!

Exposing the false teachings of modern education. Reasons for the dumbing down of America

Thou Shalt Have Sex!

God, not the devil created sexual desire toward woman

A True Space Story

The Gospel of Christ for children

Unnatural Disasters

Judgements of God by the Devil!

War and Peace

or, What Has Communism Got?

War and Peace--Part 2 War, Boom, Bust Economy Warning!

Virginia Brandt Berg's warning prophecy of 1965! Turn your eyes on Memphis

Who's a Jew?

Children of Abraham by Faith!

Who are the racists?

How white men exploited the Indians, etc.

Who are the Rebels?

Biblical examples of the older generation being at fault.

Whose Slave Are You? God's Or Mammon's? Why Disasters?

Is Death a Curse or Blessing?

Why Didn't God Stop Hitler? Why Wars? The Witch and the Monster

A study of Revelations chapter 18