Daily Might Menu Life in Heaven.

Heaven is here!

Even now, God's invisible Heavenly Kingdom is already in operation and existence! It not only surrounds us, but it is within us!--As Jesus said, "Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you!" (Lk.17:21) If you have Jesus and are filled with His Holy Spirit, it's already entered you. If you live in the continual Heaven of His Love, peace and joy, you're already in Heaven in spirit. So if you are still looking for the Kingdom of God on Earth, you will only find it within your own heart and in the fellowship of God's children.

We who have found Jesus and faith in God, and love Him, have found Heaven on Earth, the Promised Land of His Kingdom within! He's made a Heaven of our hearts. But those who do not know God and have no faith have nothing but constant fear and have some Hell already.

Have you got Heaven in your heart where you are enjoying Heaven on Earth? Well, if not, take Jesus into your heart and you'll have Heaven here and now!

"Heaven is here, is here right now.
Heaven is here and I'll tell you how!
Jesus to know is Heaven below,
Heaven is here, is here, and how!"