Daily Might Menu The way of blessings!

You don't have to worry about anything, all you have to do is obey!

Your happiness and your health and your blessings in this life depend on your obedience to God. If you are obeying the Lord and are faithful and loyal and trusting and believing, then God's got to bless you. But if He's not blessing you, it's not His fault, it's your fault!--Something's wrong somewhere.

Sometimes you just have to have the faith to trust God, that He knows best.--Just like a child has to trust a parent, even though he doesn't always understand why he must do this or that or not do it. He just has to "do it because Daddy says so!"--Because Daddy knows best, and he'll probably find out Daddy was right in the long run! The smartest thing a child can do is to obey and follow his parents, and do as they do, and as they tell him to do, if he wants to stay out of trouble and survive!--So help us, Lord, to just trust Thee and obey, whether we always understand what You are doing in our lives or not.

The thing that counts with God is your faith in Him and His Word, and your obedience to the Lord. So God bless you and help you to believe and obey--As the old hymn says,

"Trust and obey, for there's no other way,
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey!"